Our background / history

  • Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) are a key objective of the Company. Following the conclusion of International Electronic Tenders for Independent Auditors of Energy Performance Contracts, our Company has been declared a Contractor in nine (9) projects of Local Government Organizations:
    • Municipalities: Piraeus, Papagou – Holargos, Messini, Leros, Zakynthos, Volvi, Saronikos, Rhodes,
      Delphi, Karditsa, Mytilini, Chios, Korinthos, and Thessaloniki.
      Region: Peloponnisos.
      Our company claims the role of Independent auditor in Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), which are projects that are under competitive development, concerning the Municipalities of: Aegialia, Sithonia, Kassandra. It should be taken under consideration, that during the last five (5) years our Company has matured more than forty (40) projects in Energy Upgrade – Automatization or Street Lighting Systerms, with Energy Saving Led Systems, either as Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs), or as Procurement – Installation of equipment, utilizing the Organizations Lending programs.

The overall data of Energy Performance Contracts of our Company are as follows:

    • Total Investment Funds: 45,3 million €,
    • Energy Saving of EPC projects: 73,08%,
    • Budget value of EPC: 149,732 million €,
    • Annual pollutant reduction: 85.567 tCO2,
    • Numbers of Lighting Fixtures in operation: 191.719 pieces,
    • Total Public Sector Benefit: 38,446 million €,
    • Served Population of Intervention Areas: 1.626.948 persons.
  • The utilization of National and Community Resources for the modernization of Public Sector infrastructure, alongside the reduction of the energy footprint, shows a significant development in the two years 2020 – 2021. In more detail, our Company has included in the “Antonis Tritsis” Program, 20 projects, with a total value of: 40.856 million euros relating to:
    1. Electric Mobility Infrastructure (Electric Vehicles – Charging Stations) using RES (Hybrid RES Units with energy storage),
    2. Remote Control Systems – Remote Control of Water Supply Networks, Digital Hydrometers – Telemetry,
    3. Digital transformation with actions / applications of smart technologies for the development of a “Smart City”,
    4. Digitization, Electronic File Management and Digital Services.

Among other things, the Company’s priority and strategic goal is the utilization of National and Community Resources (Recovery Fund, NSRF, etc.) for the development of projects in the following sectors:

    • Energy Upgrade of Building Infrastructures with Energy Performance Contracts (EPCs), utilizing the resources of the ELEKTRA Program,
    • of Smart City Actions, with emphasis on Environmental and Civil Protection Infrastructures,
    • of Water Resources Management with emphasis on Desalination Units using RES and the development of self-financed projects of Digital Hydrometers with Telemetry Systems.
  • On June 18, 2019, our Company finalized its classification in the Register of Energy Services Enterprises (Category A, Number 63) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy for the maturation and implementation of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), based on Ministerial Decision DEPEA/C/176381/21.06.2018: “Energy Services Enterprises, Energy Services, Register and Code of Conduct of Energy Services Enterprises” (Government Gazette 2672 /Β’/6-06-2018).

  • On August 2, 2017, our Company was registered in the Register of Energy Services Enterprises (Category A3, number 63) of the Ministry of Environment and Energy for the maturation and implementation of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), based on M.D. DE/13280/07.06.2011 “Energy Services Enterprises, Operation, Registry, Code of Conduct and related provisions” (Government Gazette 1228 B’/2011).

  • On August 3, 2016, our Company was classified in the Registry of Studies (Presidential Decree 132/2009) of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in categories: 14 – Class A, 9 – Class B, 3 – Class C and 5 – Class C.

  • From 2015 until today, our Company is a subcontractor of the Project: “Design – Implementation of an Information System, Ministry of Migration and Asylum in order to support institutional changes of Law 3907/2011 & Law 4018/2011”, for the “Information System for the Modernization of the Procedure for the Issuance of Residence Permits and the Granting of Citizenship in the Greek Territory”.

Planning for the Future

WW&E, continuously invests in innovation, analysing new data, institutional frameworks and opportunities in the country, designing strategies aimed at enhancing sustainability at local and national level, such as the creation and implementation of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), Energy Communities, as well as the promotion of circular economy practices for adaptation to climate change, reducing the environmental footprint of plastics, ensures consistency in the continuous progress of services, water reuse, rationalization of the energy footprint, energy autonomy and more.

Our Company designs infrastructure to address climate change, as well as energy independent cities, with the aim of minimizing the social – economic and negative environmental footprint.


Planning for the Future Leadership

Theodoros Chaidakis – As a Managing Director, and having more than (25) twenty-five years of experience, he has the overall responsibility in the strategic and operational planning of the Company, taking care of its proper functioning. He is the head of the projects undertaken by the Company and related to Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), Waste Management and Water Resources Management. Designs management models and techniques, restructuring proposals, implementation of new technologies and innovative solutions. He is an Electrical Engineer and Energy Inspector, while he has served as a strategy and development advisor to Company of Water and Sewerage System of the Capital Societe Anonyme, General Manager of Municipal Company of Water and Sewerage System of Thira and for many years Special Advisor to Local Government Organizations (Regions) with emphasis on development programs.

Ioannis Giannaros – As General Manager and having more than (25) twenty-five years of experience, he is responsible for the Company’s Financial Services with emphasis on the sustainability of investment plans, Energy Performance Contracts (EPC), Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Electro mobility. He has directed a number of projects related to the circular economy, including research on opportunities for the circular economy, auctioning methods for Public Institutions, and support for the development of economic business models. He is an Economist and has previously supported Ministries (Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, as General Director of the Institute of Construction Economics), Research Institutes (Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research as Head of the Construction – Building Materials Sector) and Governmental Organizations.


Corporate Responsibility

To achieve our goal, we work methodically and effectively, guided by the interest of our customers and society, utilizing the applied skills we have to create a sustainable future.

In this context, we see our corporate responsibility as part of our continuous progress and our responsibility to contribute to society, we focus on the following:

  • Inclusivity,
  • Safety and Hygiene at work,
  • Equality and Diversity,
  • Recycling.

Quality Management

Waste Water & Energy, has been certified according to the requirements of the following standards:
